Higher Rock Education - Economics Blog

Do Sanctions Work?

Friday, February 24, 2017

Sunday, China announced that it would discontinue purchasing coal from North Korea following its launch of a ballistic missile that can transmit a nuclear weapon. The hope is to strong-arm Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of North Korea, to halt his threatening development of nuclear weapons. But…Do sanctions work? When are they effective? The thought of North Korea further developing their nuclear weapons capability is terrifying – especially when considering that Kim Jong Un believes that developing the nuclear arsenal is essential for retaining his power. More

Five Everyday Economic Illustrations That Do Not Involve Money Part 2

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Last week this nerdy economist wrote a blog providing examples of the relevancy of economics in everyday life that I used in the classroom. Here are five more…. More

Five Everyday Economics Illustrations That Do Not Involve Money

Friday, February 17, 2017

I confess….I am an econ nerd. I see its relevancy everywhere. As a teacher, I am always trying to think of ways I can explain economic concepts using every day events not involving a business or money. Here are a few I have used in a classroom. I hope you find them helpful. More

I Want It Now – Is Amazon Serious About One Hour Delivery?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

When I think of advances in technology, I think ways to manufacture items more efficiently. I associate technological advances with production rather than marketing. Our British contributor has written a blog discussing how Amazon has used its technology to further its marketing. More

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