Higher Rock Education - Economics Blog

Stitch Fix and the Craving for More

Thursday, March 09, 2017

I confess, I (Hannah) have an addiction to Stitch Fix! Have you seen the ads for it on social media? If you are not familiar with it, Stitch Fix is a personal styling service that sends a box of 5 clothing items or accessories straight to your front door! You get to try on everything in the comfort of your own home with other items in your wardrobe, then ship the items that you don’t want to purchase back to Stitch Fix. For a girl who doesn’t care to go to the mall, and needs all of the fashion help she can get, it is a win-win! More

Unemployment vs. Not Employed

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Unemployment vs. Not Employed - what is the difference and what did President Trump mean when he said 94 Million Americans are out of the Labor Force? More

Overnight Demonetization – What Was Prime Minister Modi of India Trying to Achieve?

Friday, March 03, 2017

Imagine that suddenly 86 percent of your cash was not accepted. Now consider that you did not have a checking account, debit card, or credit card. That is what happened in India, an economy where cash is used in 90 percent of the transactions and many people do not have bank accounts, credit cards or any other means of payments. More

Trends in Entrepreneurship – An Interview With Ben Quinn

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

I am delighted to provide an interview with Ben Quinn on entrepreneurship. Ben has been a huge supporter of Higher Rock Education. He serves on our Board and has edited most of our lessons. Ben is the owner of FarmBlue and consults with entrepreneurs. He has seen it all! More

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