Higher Rock Education - Economics Blog

Demographic Trends that May Hurt Productivity and Why It's Important

Friday, September 16, 2016

Productivity directly impacts how much we are paid and how fast the economy grows. Recent demographic trends have slowed improvements in productivity. More

Evaluating Your Priorities

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Back to school, New beginnings, New schedules, Added stress. I have found that the Bible provides the best advice for setting priorities. Below is the Scripture lesson that is published in our Production Possibility Frontier lesson, written by Hannah Strayhorn. In it, she discusses biblical principles to help establish our priorities and relieve stress. More

A Summary of the Stock Market Plunge on September 9, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016

I have read several summaries of the stock market's 394 point plunge Friday, September 9th and find it very interesting that the North Korean test of a nuclear weapon was barely mentioned. More

Skilled Manufacturing Jobs Are in Short Supply as Technology Advances

Friday, September 09, 2016

Though written in 2016, this blog is still relevant: Manufacturers struggle to find qualified workers as technology outpaces former employees' skills. More

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