Higher Rock Education - Economics Blog

How Well Do You Understand The Different Types of Unemployment?

Friday, September 01, 2017

Did you know that there are different types of unemployment? Some is actually healthy for the economy. Test your basic understanding of the different types of unemployment. These were discussed in yesterday's blog if you would like to read that first. More

Healthy and Unhealthy Unemployment - Who Is Included?

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The United States unemployment rate has fallen dramatically over the past decade. Last month the official rate was 4.3 percent, down from 9.6 percent in 2010. Economists refer to today’s rate as “full employment”. Yet we read that unemployment is a problem and there are many long-term unemployed. Are these statements conflicting? No…both are true. The unemployment rate has fallen, but there are many unemployed who are not included in the unemployment rate, and the economy has passed them by. To More

Are There Any Unlimited Resources?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Economics is the study of how every business, person, and government allocates their limited resources. A resource must be useful to be classified as a resource. Chances are new economic students have covered the economic principle of scarcity in their first lesson. If a resource is not scarce, it means it is readily available at no charge. Can you identify the only resource that is not scarce? Listed below are several of the suggestions made by my students and the only resource that is not scar More

Economic Analysis of the Solar Eclipse

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

For the first time in 99 years, a solar eclipse was visible from coast to coast across the United States. Click to read our analysis of the Economic Impact of the Eclipse. More

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